Naga Jolokia Flowers
Naga Jolokia Flowers
In 2007 Naga Jolokia Peppers were confirmed to be the hottest peppers in the world.  Twice as hot as the previously known hottest peppers.  Immediately after finding out about these things I ordered seeds online from New Mexico State University and started growing them.
I now have two surviving plants that have gotten huge but still haven’t produced any peppers.  This year I put them outside and a couple weeks ago I started getting the first flowers.  Flowers mean peppers are on the way.  I’m very excited!
I used to grow the previously known hottest peppers and a number of other species of pepper as well but in the past year and a half that I’ve been trying to get peppers out of the Naga Jolokia, the other peppers seem less significant.
Naga Jolokia Pepper Plant #1
Naga Jolokia Pepper Plant #1
Naga Jolokia Pepper Plant #2
Naga Jolokia Pepper Plant #2